Spectral Gamma Ray

Maximize Energy Spectra Sensitivity

Maximize Energy Spectra Sensitivity

The spectral gamma ray tool uses a scintillation detector to measure the quantity of naturally occurring potassium (K40), uranium (U238), and thorium (Th232).  The SGR tool measures the naturally occurring radioactivity of the formation surrounding the tool and outputs the results as a gross gamma ray curve.  By analyzing the energy levels of the incoming gamma rays in a 256- channel spectrum, the tool can provide the amount of potassium, thorium, and uranium contributing to the total gamma ray count.  The results are used in clay volume calculations, clay type analysis, heavy mineral detection, and fracture detection.

The Spectral Gamma Tool may also be programmed to resolve any specific radioisotope energy level or levels and transmit that resolved data to the surface using any number of channels up to a maximum of 256 over a energy level range of 0 to 3Mev. (1.17Kev. per channel).